"Childe the Hunter" - Fresh Earth, Russian Leather, Birch Oil, Ambrette Seed, Sweet Tobacco, Ambergris

Fresh Earth, Russian Leather, Birch Oil, Ambrette Seed, Sweet Tobacco, Ambergris
"It is left us by tradition that one Childe of Plimstoke, a man of fair possessions, having no issue, ordained, by his will, that wheresoever he should happen to be buried, to that church his lands should belong. It so fortuned, that he riding to hunt in the forest of Dartmore, being in pursuit of his game, casually lost his company, and his way likewise. The season then being so cold, and he so benumed therewith, as he was enforced to kill his horse, and embowelled him, to creep into his belly to get heat; which not able to preserve him, was there frozen to death; and so found, was carried by Tavistoke men to be buried in the church of that abbey; which was so secretly done but the inhabitants of Plymstoke had knowledge thereof; which to prevent, they resorted to defend the carriage of the corpse over the bridge, where, they conceived, necessity compelled them to pass. But they were deceived by guile; for the Tavistoke men forthwith built a slight bridge, and passed over at another place without resistance, buried the body, and enjoyed the lands; in memory whereof the bridge beareth the name of Guilebridge to this day."
- Survey of the County of Devon by Tristram Risdon, 1632
All perfume oils are handmade in my studio using high quality professional perfumery aroma compounds, essential oils, individual notes and accords incorporated together. They are created in small batches and allowed to cure
Vegan and cruelty-free. All ingredients are responsibly sourced.